Thursday, December 27, 2012


I long daily, to be overwhelmed by my God.  To thrive within His embrace.  To feel His very breath upon me.

It is my desire to worship as I breathe.  To be consumed by the knowledge that He sings and dances over me....that my God bends His ear towards the resonance of my voice.  Sanity exists solely within His sanctuary and all else pales to compare.  The question is no longer "how can I make time for Him?"  The question becomes "how can I not?"  Once I confront this certainty, then existing within Him becomes the standard rather than my fall back posture.  At the thought of having no time for Him my heart trembles.

Once you have sought and experienced Him, literally fallen in love with Him, there is miraculously nothing but time for Him. He becomes your beloved, and you-His.  

You ask, "how is this possible?"  Seek Him for this and He will not disappoint   Pray beseeching Him for a hunger for His presence.  It really is that uncomplicated as it is His very heart for every one of us.

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