Saturday, July 26, 2014

Life Never Takes a Breath

For some of you, the business of taking your children to school has begun.  Fall is right around the corner and, before you know it, the holiday flurry will begin.  Life never takes a breath.  We move with it, at times against it, at the speed of sound.  Days slip into weeks...months...and years. 
Parenting is the toughest, yet most important job we will ever do.  Yet, we rarely take the time to prioritize and set goals as a family.  We set goals for jobs, churches, schools, etc. but rarely for our own children.
Take some time to ask God what His plans are for your family and your children.)  Begin to set priorities and goals.  Set markers to measure those goals.  Work in tandem with God as a family.  You can even make your Preschoolers a part of this as you pray, out loud, asking Him to show you how to parent them.   You don’t need Map Quest, turn for turn directions.  Only the outline and 
vision He holds for you and your precious family.  Remember, He was the one who brought you together; who knitted your children in their mother’s womb (Psalm 139.)
As most of you know, my children (19 and 28) are grown and on their own.  I would give anything to tuck them into bed and say one more prayer with them.  We can’t get one moment back. 
Enjoy each one to the fullest! 
Diane Losea; Preschool Ministry Coordinator

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