Thursday, December 27, 2012



Though I’ve worked in ministry for many years, these past two months I have immersed myself in the incredible world of Preschool Ministry!  It is such an amazing fit for me as I am an interminable child at heart.    I consider it a remarkable privilege to oversee a department that empowers our little ones to experience Jesus!
So I’ve asked myself, what is my deepest desire that I wish to translate to my teachers, assistants and volunteers?  And two, what is my deepest desire that I wish to translate to these precious preschoolers?
Plain and simple, it solely comes down to relationship.  That it is possible to have a close, personal friendship with Jesus.  That he is tangibly available to each one of us!  That spontaneous conversation with him in grocery store lines, driving to soccer practice or playing in the park would be as commonplace as our breathing.
 I envision this amazing group of teachers and assistants who seek him, moment to moment; walk hand in hand with him.  We have a hunger for him and to learn more about him.  I also envision the end result which is the reflection of this, walked out before these children every time they encounter Spirit filled teachers, assistants and volunteers.  The Spirit of God is so contagious.  How intensely excited I feel at the thought of how each little life will be changed.  That Jesus, reflected by us will then be reflected in the life of every single child.
God, do not allow us to deviate from this cornerstone principal.  Grant us a hunger for you and your Word.  Guide us in your ways. Grant us your eyes, ears, hands, feet and heart as we dive into this ministry together.   Help us to remember that you are the cornerstone of this ministry and our very being.



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