Saturday, February 2, 2013

Take 5


Twelve years earlier, my son attended Growing Tree Preschool as well as Kid Quest.  For my daughter, the numbers mystify me.  I have always made being a Mom, my priority.  While my colleges were navigating along their career paths, I was struggling, as a single mom, to make ends meet so that I could remain home with my children.  That said, there are still things that I wished I had done differently.  I wish that we would have prayed more, together.  That our devotional times had been more consistent and that I would have spent more time doing the simplest things with them.  These things I will never be able to alter.  Those memories are never to be written on the walls of my children’s lives. 
My hope is that each one who reads my words will take them to heart.  Time is unredeemable.  In time’s economy, 5 minutes is as a grain of sand on a sprawling beach.  You can utilize those 5 minutes and change your child’s life!  Fill those 5 minutes with Jesus and you.  You will make a difference for eternity! 

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