Friday, January 4, 2013

Daddy's lap

When my babies were small, and as long as they would fit, I loved to set them in my lap!  I would wrap my arms around them and pull them in as close as possible, deeply breathing in every detail!  Words were unnecessary.  Our hearts would collide and mine would dance and melt simultaneously.     When I could hold them long enough, I would listen to the rhythm of their heart and feel the cascade of their breath. Such precious mommy moments enabled me to press through the mundane as well as insane other moments that made up life.  Those moments brought both balance and a sense of renewed strength.
As I had my quiet time this morning, I pondered God's lap ( I call him "Daddy".)  Hmmm, okay I cannot wrap my brain around God literally having a lap.  But I do have a remarkable imagination!
I imagine laying my head in Daddy's lap.  Not the image of God penned by Ezekiel or Isaiah, but the image of God embodied by His son, Jesus.  We sit in silence as words are superfluous. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in as close as possible.  The world stops in awe of the moment, I'm certain of it.  Initially, I am left breathless by the immensity of the moment.  There we abide.  As long as I am willing to remain, he is fully present.  Even as I type, all the emotions and feelings of those moments overwhelm me.  Such precious Daddy moments birth renewal.  And the fragrance from those moments linger and hold me through the day.  Oh, how He loves me!

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