Friday, January 11, 2013

It's ok

God completely intrigues and never ceased to amaze me!  One particular night, as we hung out, my heart felt heavy and conflicted.  "I am not okay."  The words reluctantly rose from my gut.  I was stunned as He answered, "It's okay."  What?  No, it's not okay, was all I could think.  He gently countered, "It's okay that you are not okay."  ....I fully exhaled for the first time in a very long while.  The healing of His statement continues to fall in layers.  You see, I gravitate towards the tenacity of a pit bull.  Usually my plan involves sanguinity and optimism with the complete determination to annihilate all negativity.  Admitting my defeat to God is never a portion of the objective.  If I can simply latch on to scripture and my unwavering optimism, I can do all things (neglecting the "through him who gives me strength" portion-Philippians 4:13.)  He was not surprised by my disclosure nor did He respond that I should consider it pure joy (Jas. 1:2.)
He simply held me close as I acknowledged my weakness.  I obviously couldn't see His face but, personally, I imagine He was smiling.

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