Friday, January 11, 2013


Mary, the sister of Lazarus, is one of my champions.  During my quiet time with Jesus, I will often picture myself as Mary, resting at His feet.  I have no perfume of worth with which to anoint Him.  Yet, I have something to offer which is far more costly-ME.  Let's imagine the rest of her story...
Looking at Mary's narrative in Matthew 26, we are well aware of her extravagant gift and what it meant to Jesus.  What we are unable to see are the after shocks.  How this extreme offering affected Mary, as well as those around her.  If you'll recall, she undid her hair and used it to wipe his feet.
Ponder this with me....
This fragrant worship of Jesus had a profound, inadvertent effect upon her.  This fragrance satiated Mary.  For days to come this priceless bouquet of worship would be unmistakably evident in her presence.  The brokenness of her offering would fill the senses of those with whom she would come in contact.
For me, this becomes intensely personal.  What I have to offer is my life.  All of me.  Not so much the happy-go-lucky, no care in the world Diane whom I so passionately try to convey.  But the Diane who is broken and fragile with nothing to offer but the Jesus deep within her.  That is my act of worship.  That is the offering that I desperately desire to lay at His feet.
Subsequently, the fragrance of my worship would be solely....Jesus.

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