Wednesday, January 2, 2013


This is not the post I intended to publish.  Thirty-two hours have passed since I'd worked over my thesaurus, pulling out words that look impressive.  The article was replete with Scripture and religious platitudes (2 Corinthians 12:9.)  You may have enjoyed it.  Thirty-two hours can create a huge discrepancy in perspectives.  I returned to my lap top with fresh insight.  You see, its theme pertained to how we discover God's strength through our weakness.  I often cite this Scripture to myself as I know from personal experience that it is factual.  Currently, the transfer of this Scripture-the 18 inches from my head to my heart-is under reconstruction.  I find myself in a position where I feel so intolerably weak.  I believe that Jesus understands that I really don't want to pay attention to that Scripture right now.  Perhaps a portion of the weakness of which Paul speaks is the feeling that we have been entirely decimated and we have no idea if Jesus will even show up.  At times, I've questioned if He's listening.  That is real life and as vulnerable as it gets.  There are no answers...other than His; and currently, He's not talking.

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